
Up to the 70ies the meaning of chinese phytotherapy in Europe was nearly unknown. In the year 1976 the Sinologue Prof. Manfred Porkert was the first person writing a book in european language concerning Chinese Medicine. One of his first students and the first person transferring theoretical knowledge in practise was Dr. Fritz Friedl.

In his practical work, now lasting since decades, a lot of journeys to china and meetings with chinese experts on this topic were needed. Dr. Friedl systematically researched the practical use of Chinese drugs for European people. During his practical work in Wasserburg/Inn he prescribed about 100.000 formulas, discovered useable plants and found out in which composition the plants work best. Dr. Friedl is also well-known as a teacher concerning this topic. In his courses he imparts his knowledge to a huge amount of practising physicians. The special formulas he developed during the last decade like „Kushen Tang“, Ningjing-Tang“, Sise-Tang“, „Lysi-Kush“, Phello-Kush“, „Mixtura antigrippale“ just to name some representative for all the others, are the daily used instruments in the clinic Silima, but also in the clinic Steigerwald and of many of the doctors he educated.

To make the Chinese plants suitable for Europe it needs several seriouse expections of quality, expecially concerning the harmful substances. With the publication of the German edition of the „Pharamcopoeia of Chinese Medicine“ ("Arzneibuch der Chinesischen Medizin", authors: Erich A. Stöger and Fritz Friedl, Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag Stuttgart) Dr. Friedl established not only an essential book but also the basic principle of quality control and quality assurance. Chinese herbal plants are regularely controlled concerning their content of pesticides and heavy metal contamination. After the examination they get a quality-certificate and are processed to herbal decoction in a special kind of herbal tea preparation.